
Showing posts from December, 2020

Technical Report - Proposal of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle to BlueSG

  Problem Statement  Ideally, vehicles should be environmentally friendly and have reduced harmful emissions of gases, and a positive impact on human health. However, a large percentage of vehicles in Singapore still rely on non-environmentally friendly fuel or power sources.  The plan is to implement the use of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles to reduce the carbon footprints in Singapore for the sustainability of the environment and individual health.   Purpose Statement The purpose of this report is to propose to BlueSG the implementation of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles to limit the usage of conventional vehicles and bring about a reduction in carbon and harmful gas emissions in Singapore. Benefits of Proposed Solution 1. Reduced Environmental Impacts Hydrogen is a clean fuel. It is a source of energy that can be converted into electrical energy through the fuel cells to power the engine of hydrogen vehicles. When hydrogen fuel is converted to electrical energy, it will o

Critical Reflection

At the start of this module, my goal was to refine my writing skills and improve my public speaking skills so that I can present confidently and fluently in front of the class. As mentioned in the descriptive reflection to Professor Blackstone, I get nervous quite easily when I have to present by standing in front of the class. This made my voice trembles and I tended to speak faster, which led to unclear pronunciation during the presentation. Throughout my journey in this module, I feel that I have made some improvements in my presentation skills. When doing the research project, I chose to be the speaker of my group so that I can practice my presentation skills. Besides that, Professor Blackstone always discusses with the class the skills that we should pick up during the presentation. We also have to pitch our project ideas to the class and receive criticism on our presentation skills. All of these helped me to refine the contents that I should present and made me more comfortable t