Annotated Summary


Baltacioglu. E, Gurz. M, Hames. Y & Kaya. K. (2017). The meeting of hydrogen and automotive: a review. International journal of hydrogen energy, 23334-23336.


In this journal article, Baltacioglu, Gurz, Hames and Kaya (2017) shared about the employment of hydrogen energy in vehicles and its advantages and challenges. The authors stated that the advancement in the transportation sector had led to the extensive use of fossil fuels. This phenomenon increased carbon emissions in the environment and caused global warming. With that, the authors claimed that hydrogen is the alternative to overcome the problem because hydrogen is a renewable energy resource and has zero carbon emission. Hydrogen fuels react with oxygen through the fuel cells only produce water emission and electrical energy to power the vehicles.

This article provides useful information for our research project on the advantages of implementing hydrogen fuel cell vehicles to reduce carbon footprints. The authors also mentioned that the combination of hydrogen fuels with fuel cell systems has the highest energy conversion efficiency. It has 2.5 times more energy content as compared to gasoline and diesel. With the use of hydrogen in vehicle engines, it can help to reduce the dependence of fossil fuels in the transportation sector which will then decrease the greenhouse gases released to the environment. Ultimately, environmental impacts such as air pollution and climate change can be minimized.

In this article, it added that the storage of hydrogen poses the biggest challenge as it requires a huge cost to store the hydrogen in the form of liquid due to safety purposes. Liquified hydrogen also allows higher volume storage and energy efficiency. However, the authors concluded that the limitations in hydrogen infrastructure can be ignored as compared to all the benefits of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles: low operating noise, higher energy conversion efficiency, strong adaptability to rapid load changes, appropriate dynamic features, high performance in a wide range of operating period, longer range, zero emissions and protecting the environment. With this information, it shows the feasibility of our research project to implement the use of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

Read Jing Kai, Raymond & Atiqah's summaries


  1. Dear Kei Man,

    Thank you for helping us to do an annotated summary, allowing us to have a clear view on what this article is about. This article shared with us on how the increase of carbon emission is doing harm to then environment and it causes global warming, and by using hydrogen fuel cells, we could have an better alternative to power our vehicles.

    You also added the advantages of implementing hydrogen fuel cells, as mentioned earlier on how it helps to reduce carbon footprints, it has the highest energy conversion efficiency, comparing it to gasoline and diesel. She even suggested that if the widespread community uses this, how great of an impact it will cause.

    She not only gave the good side, but the bad side as well, like its cost to store the hydrogen fuel cells. But those limitations have been outweigh by the good points.

    Yours sincerely,

    1. Dear Bryan,

      Thank you for taking time to read my annotated summary. I am looking forward to see you in the same class for next trimester.

      Best regards,
      Kei Man

  2. Dear Kei Man

    Thank you for doing the research and summarizing the article on hydrogen fuels. Your summary showed us a clear link between the researched article and the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle proposal. In the third paragraph, "the hydrogen in the form of liquid due to safety purposes", I feel that there isn't a need for a need for "the". Otherwise, your summary is clear and concise and brought up the main points in the article that are required for the proposal. Great effort.

    Best regards
    Jing Kai

    1. Dear Jing Kai,

      Thank you for reading my annotated summary and providing me the suggestion to improve my writing. I am looking forward to see you in the same class for next trimester.

      Best regards,
      Kei Man


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